Announcing NEW enhanced capabilities! We have been acquired byNanoImaging Services(NIS), a leading US-based cryo-EM CRO. Learn about our new services now.
Proteos Acquired by NanoImaging Services (NIS)
We’re excited to announce that Proteos has been acquired by NanoImaging Services (NIS).
Best Practices: Generating Multiple Expression Constructs
Generating multiple protein constructs through alteration of affinity tag selection, size, and placement can be highly beneficial for projects with no prior precedent of successful recombinant protein production.
At Proteos, we are committed to delivering high-quality services that surpass client expectations. This begins with selecting the optimal expression system and designing a scope of work that is appropriate for your protein of interest.
Producing novel recombinant proteins can be a complex endeavor, but understanding the key variables involved can make a significant difference. Beginning with a pilot experiment is a strategic move.
Selecting Fusion Proteins for Prokaryotic Expression
Selection of a suitable fusion partner to enhance soluble expression and serve as an affinity tag for recombinant protein production in prokaryotic expression systems (E. coli) is a crucial step that should not be overlooked during construct design.